- rough-tongued
- пушистоязычковый* * *пушистоязычковый
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
tongue — /tVN/ noun 1 MOUTH (C) the soft, moveable part inside your mouth that you use for tasting, eating, and speaking: Joe ran his tongue over his dry lips. | The dog panted, his tongue hanging out in the heat. | stick your tongue out (=put your tongue … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
trachycarpous — a. rough fruited. ♦ trachyglossate, a. rough tongued. ♦ trachyphonia, n. roughness of voice. ♦ trachyspermous, a. rough seeded … Dictionary of difficult words
Chris Mosdell — Background information Origin Gainsborough, England Occupations Lyricist, composer … Wikipedia
abrasive — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. & n. adj. rough, frictional; unpleasant. n. grinder; sandpaper, corundum, etc. See discourtesy, friction. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Causing abrasion] Syn. grinding, sharpening, cutting, abrading,… … English dictionary for students
List of mammals in Brazil — Brazil has the largest mammal diversity in the world, with more than 500 described species and, probably, many yet to be discovered. According to the World Conservation Union sixty six of these species are endangered species and 40% of the… … Wikipedia
List of mammals of Mexico — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Mexico. There are 490 mammal species in Mexico, of which 12 are critically endangered, 36 are endangered, 26 are vulnerable, and 2 are near threatened.3 of the species listed for Mexico are… … Wikipedia
List of mammals in Colombia — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Colombia. There are 398 mammal species in Colombia, of which 3 are critically endangered, 8 are endangered, 27 are vulnerable, and 6 are near threatened. 1 of the species listed for Colombia is… … Wikipedia
List of mammals of Brazil — Brazil has the largest mammal diversity in the world, with more than 600 described species and, probably, many yet to be discovered. According to the World Conservation Union sixty six of these species are endangered species and 40% of the… … Wikipedia
List of mammals in Venezuela — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Venezuela. There are 327 mammal species in Venezuela, of which 1 is critically endangered, 6 are endangered, 19 are vulnerable, and 4 are near threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red… … Wikipedia
List of mammals in Guatemala — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Guatemala. There are 193 mammal species in Guatemala, of which 1 is critically endangered, 4 are endangered, 4 are vulnerable, and 3 are near threatened. [This list is derived from the IUCN Red… … Wikipedia